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Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction & Engagement

A key benefit of measuring Customer & Stakeholder satisfaction is to identify how an organisation can better meet customer and stakeholder needs and expectations.  We also use this information to identify the “ideal” culture of the organisation to ensure customer and stakeholder needs are indeed met.  Having the right culture gives an organisation a major competitive strength, as culture is the only thing competitors cannot copy in the short term.

We use both rational and emotive measures to determine customer and stakeholder satisfaction.  The rational measure is based on ‘gap analysis’ while the emotive measure is based on a ‘gut feel’ measure of overall satisfaction.  Drivers of customer satisfaction are then identified through correlating rational and emotive measures.

Gap analysis (rational approach) measures the gap between customers’ expectations of the “Ideal” service they expect from a service provider.  This is measured in terms of what is important to them in relation to the service offering.  Customers are then asked to rate their perceptions of the service provider’s and its competitors’ performance in meeting those expectations of the “Ideal”.  Where customers’ perceptions of performance match their expectations (ie there is no gap), it is assumed that there is 100% satisfaction[1]

The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is a score out of 100% and is based on gap analysis ie. the satisfaction scores derived from the performance gaps.  The CSI is weighted by the Importance rankings ie. higher ranking expectations have a higher weighting in the CSI, and lower ranking expectations have a lower weighting.

For the “Gut Feel” (emotive measure) satisfaction measure, clients are asked to rate their overall satisfaction with the service provider’s performance. 

The gap analysis results are presented in a Priority Issues Matrix.  Priority issues are identified in order of importance and are based on 3 criteria, namely service attributes with:

  • high importance means

  • large performance gaps

  • strong correlation with overall ‘gut feel’ satisfaction

The Priority Issues Matrix allows issues to be quickly identified for action and implementation, in priority order, and is ideal for Managers and staff to easily identify issues for improvement and incorporate into Strategic and Business Plans.

These can be correlated with Employee Satisfaction results to identify the impact of Customer Satisfaction on Employee Satisfaction and Morale and vice versa.

Qualitative comments are captured for greater insights into the meaning of the information.

Competitive Strengths and Weaknesses are also determined through the gap analysis results.

[1] Customer Satisfaction Measurement and presentation are based on The Ryder Self Group’s proprietary product, PACE. It is based on the SERVQUAL model developed by Zeithaml, V. A., Parasuraman, A., & Berry, L. L. (1990). Delivering quality service: Balancing customer perceptions and expectations. The Free Press: New York.



The Ryder Self Group
Ph: 0412 426 553